View Profile TITROTU
If I won the lottery, I wouldn't be one of those people who'd immediately quit their job. I'd make my boss's life a living hell for a week or two first.

Age 35, Male

Professional Dumbass

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Joined on 12/20/04

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It doesn't surprise me that brawl got #1. Man, that game is fucking awesome and I doubt any game will beat that one... unless nintendo launches the next smash bros, of course ;)

i think a new rule is in order,

NO WII GAMES IN THE TOP 5, 10, 0r ThOuSaNd!!!!

Seriously, there not even worth it, xbox games and maybe some ps3 games but NO WII there games sre terriblen (Brawl is ok but doesnt deserve first). And the games of the year have already been voted on officialy, GTA 4, MGS 4, GoW 2, LBP and FallOut3. as you can see, there are no Wii games in the top 5.


Note I said "favorite" not "best." :)

Mario Kart FTW!!!

Love that game :P

Brawl is also pretty sick.

Wow ^ micky315, talk about an angry nerd

i agree mostly but i believe fallout 3 should be in there

micky315, this is clearly an official list. Don't you see it?

Bah, kids these days.
*checks that micky315 is younger than Doomsday One*

I can see you're a Huge nintendo fan, i respect that, my favorite game of 2008 was fallout 3 for sure, man did i put a lot of hours in that baby. and gta4 didn't deserve a spot in any top 5 10 or 20. the first playtrough is cool not anywhere as cool as vice city or san andreas but still cool anyway. but just after you've finished the game it just gets sooo boring. the only thing there is to do is to blow up some cars, or go out with a friend(bowling darting and other shit that's a average flash game) but there is no fun factor like in San andreas. but hey that's just my opinion so don't mind me!

"Hookers, drug dealers, gambling, murder.....but enough about my New Year's Party! *BA DUM TSSSHHHH* "
hilarious lol

I think your selections are pretty sweet. Brawl is so freakin awesome.



I see what you did there. :)

first of all, fallout 3 is the most boring waste of time piece of shit game ever created that somehow got lucky and became mainstream

second, he's only reviewing games he's played so stfu about your own opinions

third, i think mario kart should be ahead of brawl but thats just me. it's the best mario kart to date, but smash bros is not the best smash bros to date. i only play brawl because no one plays melee anymore. the fights are way too slow and they made the control too mainstream and dumbed it down so now there's way more delay in between each attack = slowass battling compared to melee

but i like fast paced, so...

I judging by this list I am guessing you do not own an xbox 360...

Super Smash Bros Brawl is defintely up there I can totally see how you gave it #1. I have heard (never played) that tales of vesperia is a pretty good game, but never heard this good a review of it. I will probably have to disagree with you on mario kart wii and GTA IV. Mario Kart Wii is a blast, but it is more or less the same game as the other ones, I do not believe that it deserves top 10. GTA IV I disagree with because I found the story pretty lacksadasical (although the gameplay is great) and the story kind of ruined the game for me, I had to take a break from the repetitive missions for a month because I simply got too bored. Again, never played the world ends with you but heard pretty bad reviews of it other than from you.

I definitely would have put fallout 3 up there, along with fable 2 (yes, I said fable 2). I would have put up smash bros too, and I am not sure what my other favorites would be., have not put enough thought into it.
Loved to read you mini reviews, though!

Yeah I do. Vesperia is a 360 exclusive.

micky315 says:

i think a new rule is in order,

NO WII GAMES IN THE TOP 5, 10, 0r ThOuSaNd!!!!

Seriously, there not even worth it, xbox games and maybe some ps3 games but NO WII there games sre terriblen (Brawl is ok but doesnt deserve first). And the games of the year have already been voted on officialy, GTA 4, MGS 4, GoW 2, LBP and FallOut3. as you can see, there are no Wii games in the top 5.


This man seems a little weird in the head.

there is a large lack of Dead Space and De Blob in your list.

please rectify this immediately.

or i shall be most cross.

also lol @ micky

micky is why I dont use xbox live. stupid fuckin kids.

i bet his voice is really high pitched too.

Im not surpised SSBB got number 1 of your favorites, i would say tales of symphonia as #1 because im a HUGE fan if that game, but thats only my opinion.And also, i like the Nintendo too.

Something quites to bother me, I still dont trully understand why so much people seem to hate nintendo, I know some games are wierd.(just like samba de amigo or something like that... THATS WIERD) and they hate them mainly because of their graphics. But come on, most games are pretty good.

but yea... all xbox games are cool too so i have not much to argue

but i hate ps3 >:(

Well, kinda Nintendo sided, but nothing wrong with that. But still, I think Apollo Justice should be up there.

Brawl rocks ma socks i just wish you could make your own characters xd lmao

2 favorite games on the list. 1. Super Smash Bros Brawl, and 2. Mario Kart Wii.

Hmmmm, never played Tales of Vesperia, but I bought Tales of Symphonia: DOTNW. Also, seeing as u got brawl... and I got brawl... wanna brawl? My FC is in my sig... I'll get it later. I also finished all the challenges in brawl during winter break... yey.

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