View Profile TITROTU
If I won the lottery, I wouldn't be one of those people who'd immediately quit their job. I'd make my boss's life a living hell for a week or two first.

Age 35, Male

Professional Dumbass

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Joined on 12/20/04

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Sprite TV 3 Collab!

Posted by TITROTU - April 17th, 2008

Welcome one and all to the final installment of the Sprite TV trilogy! We've come a long way since Sprite TV 1 & 2 and now; it's time to go out with a bang. I'll be hosting this beautiful collab but alas, I can't do it alone. That's where you fine folks come in.

To enter, simply create a sprite short using the following template. (Note: the template may be subject to change, however the document size will remain the same.) After completing your part, email it to me at jesseymeza@yahoo.com. As with all collabs, we have some rules and guidelines you must follow.

- Your part must be humorous. There's nothing more boring than a dry sprite skit. If you can't write anything funny, get a friend to do so. If you don't have any friends, get off the internet.

- Name all your symbols. Oh GOD you must name all your symbols! If you submit a part to me and the symbols aren't named, sorry, it'll get rejected. Even if it's awesome.

- Please, please, PLEASE, don't use any sound clips from TV shows or movies! (Music is fine) I cannot stress that enough. The leader of Sprite TV 2 stated the same thing from the beginning, but as production ended, he let more people slip using Family Guy quotes. I will not. By using clips like that you're basically repeating the same joke. I want this installment to be more original than the first two.

- Each participant in this collab may only submit a maximum of three parts. What's the point of calling it a collab if only four people are making everything? Once you've reached your maximum, if you feel you could make a better part and would like to replace an existing one, email me and we can work something out.

- Try to stay away from using well-established characters like Mario, Sonic, and Mega Man. Though their use is not banned, it'll get tiring to see nothing but Mario parodies.

- Remember, just because you make a part and send it to me, it doesn't mean you're guaranteed in. I will email you back with approval or denial. If you get denied, don't give up. Simply create a better part. I may even help you improve.

- All collabs take time to make. Just because you finished all three parts, it doesn't mean you can repeatedly ask, "When's it gonna be released?" I can safely say that it won't be done for a few weeks, months even. Take your time with your part. Don't rush. There is no deadline as of yet. I do tend on announcing one in the future, but for right now take it easy.

- Look for sprite sheets here and voice actors here.

Now then, besides the parts, I'll be looking for people to help me create the menu, outro, and credits. I'll be handling the intro. Helping out with these features will not count towards your three part max.

Technical crap:
- 700 x 400 document size
- 24 FPS
- Length can vary. (Not too long, mind you.)

Alright then, I think that's everything. Now.....GET TO WORK SLAVES!!! >:(


My skills are much better than from before. 4 months ago. Expect to see something hear by Sunday. : )

I'll give it a shot :)

I am in.

Me too

Eh... i'd do it but, i'm managing a collab right now and i am kinda busy. I enjoy sprite tv though.

im on it too. ill do my own voices. i have a fucked up one : p

Is it in Flash 8 format or in CS3?

The template is in Flash 8.

Please not another one.

Oh yes, another one. :)

I cant download the template.

I got an Idea, won't be able to get to it for a while though, its solid though trust me.

Why does your name have the word Tit in it...

Tell me now.

you gawt it

hey jesse maybe im stupid fuck or something i dunno but how do you ude the megaupload thing?

Jew Nose?

I cant wait to get my clips done and send them to ya! I really want in since its my last sprite flash. and because you are taking off family guy jokes.

hey dude. If I finish my stuff quickly (wich most probably I will) do you want me to help you with the credits or something?

I just sent you mah first clip. I feel this is gunna rock!

second cliP! done and sent

ALL 3 CLIPS ARE ON YOUR EMAIL ¿would you reply to me? I want to know what u think!

well i cant blame you, you must still be at school. I have been out since 3 weeks ago

I don't know how to download the template plus I use flash 5 so I'm not sure if I'm screwed or not