Spread the word.
April 1st will be Ike Day. During that day I want everyone who plays Super Smash Bros. Brawl online, with friends or with anyone, to select Ike as their character. Why? Cause it's Ike Day, that's why! Ike is clearly the most popular character from the roster. There is never a time where I haven't encountered an Ike user online. Whether it be an Ike mainer or spammer, he's everywhere! So let's give him is own day. Why pick April Fool's Day? Again, why not? I guess this could be considered a prank of sorts. People who think they'll get a friendly match online will come face to face with nothing but Ikes.
April 1st, play as Ike for all your battles. Record the fun and put it on YouTube. Spread the word. Ike Day will be a day to remember.
http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genme ssage.php?board=928518&topic=42100734
http://brawlcentral.com/forums/viewtop ic.php?f=19&t=13584
Haha, yeah people have been overplaying Ike. I shall be Ike on April 1st to exact my revenge.