Who needs April Fool's Day? The real celebration is Ike Day! People around the globe have been rejoicing over Ike and now it's your turn to show some Ike love! Go play Super Smash Bros. Brawl online, but remember; only Ike's are allowed. No one else. If you see any non-Ike's be sure to pummel them into the ground! Ike Day will be a day to remember!
...yeah....so I wouldn't call Ike Day a complete failure, more like a moderate success. About 1 in every 4 random matches I had featured 3 Ike's, some all 4. Why so little numbers? Probably because I only promoted it for about 2 weeks. Also, Brawl isn't out in Europe or Australia. What does this all mean? Next year will be better. That's right, I'm pulling for Ike Day 2009. I have a whole year to prepare for this. By this time next year, you WILL see nothing but Ike's online. I'll probably end up changing the event to April 2nd. What was I smoking to think people who chose Ike Day over April Fool's?
Oh well. See you next year!